I was so excited when asked to read this book with my grandson Freddie and now on the book tour. This is beautifully written, the font is ideal for children of this age and the illustrations are great. I also got a super surprise to see that my name was in the book with our review from Christmas time. You can read the review here.
Bonnie is her happiest in a land of imagination. Having worked as an actress for nearly a decade Bonnie turned her hand to writing stories rather than being in them. As an enormous chocolate fan, the Easter Bunny and Spring was the perfect subject for the second book in the Clara Claus series. Bonnie lives in Hampshire with her husband and daughter and when she’s not writing, she works as a Learning Support Assistant at an infant school which is the perfect age to test her stories out on. Bonnie enjoys walks with her family and fluffy white dog where she can explore the magic of nature all around her, something which certainly inspires certain gnome elements in this story. Bonnie is passionate about encouraging children to read for pleasure and is keen to get children writing which she enjoys exploring during her school visits.
Freddie enjoys these books and his brother likes to watch him do the word search at the back, which I think is a brilliant idea also there is a recipe as well. All things that children love, which makes this an excellent gift or even an easter present with a little egg.
As you can see they thoroughly enjoyed it.
We cannot wait for the next book.
Thank you