I am Mum to Jodie, Billie Sam and Nan to ten, ranging from seven-year-old twins to granddaughter of twenty-six. Plus I have a gorgeous great-grandson called Enzo who is growing up far too quickly and is three already. I know I don’t look old enough! Ok, maybe I do without makeup. I live on the southeast coast of the UK in a town called Folkestone or I should say Creative Folkestone or Music Town as they are what it is known for.
This blog started as one of those New Year Resolutions that we all make but very rarely do. But I am proving them wrong, at least on this one. I have been doing this for a few years now and still love it. I aim to bring you fun and laughter from everyday things to holidays, even a bit of dating and gardening with reviews along the way of all sorts of things as my tagline says ‘anything that enters My World’
I have a secluded garden facing south, so I get lovely sunshine that I will always be out in, whether I am pottering about, reading, writing, drinking coffee or a sneaky G&T. It’s five o’clock somewhere as they say.
I am also writing a couple of books, memoirs and short stories, which are not as easy as I thought but very therapeutic. It’s hard work calling yourself a writer, yes that is my official title now. I will try my best to fit it all in, though I’m not sure about updating the blog three times a day! I never have managed that.
I love reading mainly crime. It used to be romance but I am currently hooked on the gory crime books. I receive many books from publishers through Netgalley as I review everything I read. These reviews go all over social media, and I have made some terrific friends from the authors I have met over the years.
They say I’m in the prime of life. Oh no! That’s the forties what shall we call the fifties or even the sixties as I appear to be heading that way extremely quickly! A big party is planned that you can see all about on my Pinterest site here. That turned out to be a tiny affair because of the pandemic but all the best people were there and they made it a special day for me.
I love to see new places so I tend to write about where I have been and just getting back into it this year after the pandemic. I have sold my camper but booked a couple of coach trips so look out for the reviews.
I used to run a writing group that meets twice a month, at one of which we welcome a guest speaker who might be anything from an author to an illustrator, poet or scriptwriter. We have a page on Facebook, Write by the Sea so you can read about us. We also have a website, writebythesea.uk We have released three anthologies called Ghosts by the Sea, Doorways to the Sea and Journeys by the Sea that you can purchase on Amazon. I have handed the reins over to some of the members now as I found it was taking up so much of my time, also my health is not so good. I’m hoping to see a bit more of the world and tick off some of the things on my Bucket List now before I get too old and deteriorate even more.
I answer all comments and love to interact with my readers so please get in touch.
Love to you all