The weather was glorious for the whole Easter weekend so people were out and about in Kent, I even saw some people having a swim in the sea. Whatever you did, I hope you had a really good time, it was nice to catch up with family and enjoy the children hunting for eggs.
New Romney school had an animal petting day which Enzo enjoyed very much, they have no fear of putting their fingers in any cages but he wasn’t sure about stroking a snake. This was a great event set up by Sure Start.
Lily was helping Dad make some huge tarts, which were delicious and so easy for the children to help make. We did cheat and buy the ready-rolled puff pastry but that makes it all so quick and easy.
I put some new plants in the garden, have gone all pink this year so it should look super. I never realised you could get sunflowers in other colours, yellow is best I feel as it just reminds you of the sun. I have planted some pink seeds so we will see if they come to anything, I’m not that good with starting from seeds so we will have to wait and see.
Whatever you did over Easter I hope you had a wonderful time.