Last month I had an inverter fitted in my campervan by Daniel, this was so the power from my two solar panels could be converted and run to my power points. I can now charge my laptop and do not need to hook up to any power now wherever I go.
It wasn’t an easy job as the front seats had to come out, my leisure battery is fitted under the driver’s seat so well, that a bigger one would not fit. Daniel ended up putting the inverter in the back of the cupboard. A very clean and tidy job, I particularly liked the way he solved the problems as they arose and ran everything by me. It was a day’s work that will save me from ever having to pay for electricity when away in the camper.
DRB Electrical Services LTD is an electrical company based in Folkestone, Kent. We cover all aspects of the electrical industry from design, installation, and maintenance in domestic, commercial, and industrial settings. Plus campervans of course!