Restart Face To Face GP Appointments

I was happy to see and sign this petition as let’s face it we are not talking about a couple of surgeries that this is happening at,  it’s all over Britain. People are dying because they are not being diagnosed early enough. Every other service is almost back to normal, these doctors are not gods so just go back to work and stop being paid for sitting at home making a few phone calls. Yes, we know they are busy and there are not enough doctors but they all managed before. Let us free up A&E from non-urgent visits so they can get on with seeing the actual emergencies and the huge backlog of patients on waiting lists.

Maybe the government should encourage people to study for these jobs and put the pay up to an acceptable level as then we may get more staff for the NHS.

They spent all that money on the nightingale centres but never had enough staff to run them!

No point in building state of the ark surgeries if not enough doctors to run them!

Why pay for a locum to sit in the hospitals seeing patients when the local doctors should be seeing them!

Sign the petition here please.




  1. Jaba Chatters
    September 30, 2021 / 7:19 pm

    I judge that new treatment absolutely irresponsible, better to tell no human approach to the patients. To use better organization at Surgery would sort it out that problem. Why within Pandemic at other neighbour countries continued GP care of the same way? There was more strict control at entrance to surgery, as in UK, but didn’t ignore patient.

    • karensworld.writer
      October 1, 2021 / 3:44 pm

      Something has got to be done eventually but it needs people to make a complaint.

  2. September 30, 2021 / 2:49 pm

    I’ve already signed this Karen. I know my doctors are in the surgery and are seeing the occasional urgent case but nothing more. My daughter rang for a appointment for me as my leg was in a mess. They told us to send photographs in. We said we couldn’t so they sent a prescription for some cream and some antibiotics despite not knowing if there was an infection. There was, but don’t they always say you mustn’t have them unless there is one. The district nurses could have done a swab to confirm it.
    Massive Hugs

    • karensworld.writer
      October 1, 2021 / 3:46 pm

      It is so awful the way some are being treated David and a lot of the older generation just don’t understand what is going on or what a flipping e consult even is. X

      • October 1, 2021 / 8:15 pm

        In the cause of World peace I shall pretend you didn’t just suggest I’m the ‘Older Generation’. My brother is 14 months older than me..
        Hugs Galore.

        • karensworld.writer
          October 1, 2021 / 9:08 pm

          Lol I was meaning your brother, you are a spring chicken!

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