Reading books is what I did a lot of during January, what with lockdown and winter there not a lot else to do for me. I also rebuilt my website as I lost everything when the hosting company went bust, let me know what you think of the new version here.
I caught up on my book reviews and I have some super reviews for products coming in February, so keep a lookout. You can follow my blog by filling in your email address on my site then you get every post in your email box. I also did my best book of last year, that really is a fantastic story and I would recommend it to everyone as we all need to be more aware of these hidden illnesses. This was about dementia and how it feels for the person going through it.
I was so happy when I heard that some of my friends have been invited for their vaccination but I am also still hearing of some friends catching this awful bloody corona, it brings me to tears at times.
Take care of yourself, pamper yourself, it’s time for you to relax even if you just do one thing a week it gives you a good all over feeling.
Two grandchildren have applied for university, I am so proud of them. Also cannot wait to go visit them next year in my camper, that is something good to look forward to for me. I cannot see us going on the big family holiday this year, which is such a shame but hopefully next year it will all come good.
Some places have had snow in the UK but nothing down here in Kent on the coast, in fact even though it is cold the sun has been out. I cannot wait for spring so I can get out in the garden.
Homeschooling is not easy for some here and looks like the children will not be going back to school until at least March and that still depends on data. Who would have thought we would still be going through this over a year later, it seems surreal at times.
I have felt ok in myself this month, yes I have down days but I think everyone has them in this pandemic. I was invited to the hospital to have a heart monitor fitted but no way was I going there, it is a covid hospital as well. The phone consultation with the cardiologist is not until August so I have plenty of time.
There have been some good dramas on the TV, I did like Traces and The Drowning looks good that starts on Monday. How life has changed for us all, what are your good and bad points of your life now?