Agent Abby Kane heads to Yuba City, where six months out of the year, thick fog engulfs the town allowing a killer to operate freely in nature’s camouflage. As Abby’s investigation progresses, she discovers something puzzling, perhaps even impossible. The killer might be blind.
How can a blind man kill so easily and get away with it? It’s not an easy question to answer. To complicate matters, the killer has a unique calling card. He meticulously removes the skin from the backs of his victims—no easy feat for someone with perfect vision—unbelievable for someone with a visual impairment.
Abby has six months before the fog lifts, and the killer heads back underground. Can she stop his murderous spree before fog season ends, or will the blind psycho leave behind a string of bodies right under her nose?
This was absolutely brilliant and well worth five stars, I read it in a day as kept wanting to know what was happening next. Well written, full of twists and turns, then an ending that just blew me away, I was not expecting anything like that. I do now have to actually buy the next book as there are ends that I really want to find out what happens. I love the two detectives, they work so well together, in fact, this would make a perfect TV series so I wonder if it has been optioned by any producers? Such a different theme for a book, an almost blind murderer, I loved it.
Ty Hutchinson is a nomadic author. Since 2013, he has travelled nonstop worldwide while banging away on his laptop and cranking out international crime thrillers. Along the way, he’s adopted the habits of people he’s met to blend in, which is vital if one is ever on the run.