This is a bit of a strange post so please read on. I received this in the post, it really is gorgeous and so sparkly. All that came with it was this card, which I must say was really interesting to read as it’s all about the ring. Apparently, this is the closest you can get to a real diamond.
So all I need to know is who sent it?
It fits my finger really well and I do not even know the sizes of my own fingers so they guessed very well. Do I know this person, my friends have come up with lots of scenarios as you can imagine including a proposal next in the post, I would prefer an actual diamond for that, please.
In all seriousness, I think a company who I have obviously worked with before sent me this to review and have forgotten to put their card in with it as I only give out my address if people/companies want to send me something to try and review.
So, was this you? Please get in touch if you can solve this little dilemma.
What do you think?
Actually what a great idea for a short story, can any of you come up with one, I would love to read them. I might have a go myself as I keep saying I am going to spend more time writing.
I really do love this ring.
Thank you