The decorating got too much so I decided to run away to Bournemouth to see my grandaughter Jade who has just gone to university there. The relief I felt as I was driving away was immense, I am sure I smiled all the way, it took about four hours to get there. I stayed in a campsite for the week at Parley which had a garden centre right next door that had gas, so I exchanged my two 6k bottles, you cannot get any gas in Folkestone, I assume it is because of Brexit but not sure. The other side of the park was an equestrian centre so the view of all the horses was what I woke up to. The closest pub/restaurant was The Curlew but I didn’t get a chance to go in there, maybe next time.
The scone and coffee were good at the garden centre also a bargain at £5.20 I thought. Along the road next to the pub almost, I saw a really nice playground for the children.
This was also near to the airport so I could catch a bus in the mornings that took me almost to the door of Jade’s uni accommodation. We went to many places over the week and this is a selection of them.
Lovely coffee shop, which got busy in the evenings. The boards are great that you get your coffee and spoon on.
The park is in the centre and near the beach. So many squirrels running about everywhere. Also, a fun golf area that the kids would love.
I loved the entrance here and this was a great pub, we sat outside on the verandah overlooking the beach, there were people on boards, zip wire and windsurfing. Two for ten-pound cocktails and we both said that these porn stars were the best we had ever tasted.
TGI for dinner then off to Revolution for cocktails and shots, loving the shot holder. Lots of catching up and having a laugh before we went back to her flat to see all her friends, student life is obviously agreeing with her as she is doing well. So many great places in Bournemouth, I had not been since a child. Taxis are a set price so it cost £16 to get back to the campsite from town but you can get a bus during the day. The closest shop was a Tesco express to the campsite and a fish and chip shop.
I had a great time and am looking forward to going back next year as I am sure it will be a great place to be during the summer.