Trying to find things that are compact and light for the campervan is not easy at times but this super small chair fits the bill really well. I love the small size that will fit in the smallest pocket, campers are very good at having small areas that are hard to find things to fit in. I liked the colour of this as it is not going to show any grubby children’s hands and has a small pocket to slip your phone in while you’re having a well-earned sit down.
Jade and I are not the best at putting things together but this was super easy as all the poles are joined together so you just flick them up straight. No getting the poles muddled up and then the seat of the chair just slips on, do the bottom one first or it’s a bit tight to pull the top over the pole.
We even got it all closed up and back in the bag that holds it all together, no mean feat but they do say what comes out must go back in, easier said than done with many things, air beds come to mind!
I thought the chair was really comfy and will look forward to sitting in the sun outside the camper. This is available on Amazon here.