April felt like it was over before it began, it was nice to feel the sunshine and to be out in the garden more, that definitely is my happy place. This card game was really fun playing it with Jade, it certainly opens up conversation and will be ideal for people suffering from their mental health to get some of their fears out in the open in such a relaxed atmosphere.
The new hamster called Jerry made himself at home, the twins and Freddie love him. I read some good books, Her last holiday was excellent such a good twist at the end, get it on your to-be-read list now. A postcard from Paris will be my book of the month, I loved it so much. There have been some really good books out so far this year, authors wrote some great books during the lockdown.
The pink moon was on the 27th of April
Appreciate the people around you, be happy and safe. Thank you for reading x