I was so pleased to see one of the frogs back the other day, they really do keep the slugs away from my plants, I need to find the other 100 from the tadpoles I put in there last year! Goodness knows where they have all gone. UPDATE – I have two more in the pond!

I have gone very pink in the garden this year with the plants I have bought, I really hope they all grow and it looks how I have imagined it. I keep forgetting what I have planted so I have done a plan and kept the labels you get with the plants and put them on the plan, very organised, let us hope it works. I have learnt that if I do not do it straight away I forget everything. The pink sunflower seeds are growing, will they really be pink?


The writing group is going really well and we have had some really interesting guests so far this year. We bought two of these banners which are already attracting some new members. There is a new magazine coming out in Folkestone called Folkestone Foghorn, I need to ask how they came by that name.  The editor, Simon Richmond came to one of our events and is doing a story on us so that will be good. We will be doing either The Living Advent Calendar or The Folkestone Book Festival this year so look out for news about that, the members will vote on which one they would like.



It has also been nice to catch up with so many friends again also to plan some holidays, next year is going to be so much fun. I still have the camper and will be going to Spain this year with some of the family, I feel everyone needs a holiday and to get back to our normal now the restrictions have all been lifted. Ladies that lunch is back together on Wednesday so look out for the post, we are visiting the garden centre first…Corinne and I will not be buying any more plants, do you believe that? LOL

The weather here in Kent is very unpredictable, one day lovely sunshine the next cloudy and rainy. The gardens do need the rain though, I wish it was just at night. Tonight is the full red blood moon so get your crystals ready to charge.

Every so often you get a book to read that you cannot get into so when that happens I stop reading and I do not review it. I will not give it one star just because I did not like it as let’s face it we cannot like all that we read. My problem now is that it has happened about three times, and I cannot get interested in the story to finish it. What is going on, do you have this problem?

My youngest daughter is 40 today, happy birthday Billie. Have a great day at The Windsor Horse Show and see you tomorrow. Her daughter Jade is up from Bournemouth university for a few days so it’s nice to catch up with her news.

Have a super Sunday


Write by the sea



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