A card game with a difference that is very subtle in helping to get people to open up or talk about things that are difficult for them. The idea is surprisingly easy as you pick three cards that have different pictures on them then you get an emotion card. You start off by saying ….and I woke up feeling? The story you make up about the three picture cards has to use the emotion all the time as the idea is for the other people to guess what that emotion is. For example, if the picture is of a spider and the emotion is afraid then you tell a story about how many people are scared of these.
The more you play it the better you become at making up stories so the idea is that some people will maybe use their own experiences or feelings so they come out in the stories. I thought this was an extremely good but subtle idea. One of my grandchildren is off to university in September to study psychology, she thought this was also a super idea plus also saying that you could use the emotion cards on their own also for describing the emotions they are feeling also for people to describe how they feel an emotion themselves. A very good idea for single or group work that could be used in a variety of ways and settings. I think I have lost these as she will be taking them with her to uni.
Look after each other and be kind.