After a super holiday I arrived home and came down with covid…….a bit shocked as I don’t know anyone that has had it since we got back to normal. I am pretty sure I caught it from a woman on the plane as she was coughing so much. I am staying in until I test clear as I would hate to give it to anyone, it’s all a bit of a nuisance as I had things planned for my birthday when home.
Another month gone and now into July, looking forward to the children breaking up for the summer. Lets hope the weather improves as it has gone very dull here. I got used to the sunshine everyday in Spain, makes life so much happier.
My new suitcase got a hole in it on its very first trip so not very happy about that, I will be taking it back and getting a different one as they are so rough with them I think it would just keep happening to that sort of case.
I have two more events for my writing group then we have a break until September which I am looking forward to this year as really want to get back into my own writing.
I have some more jewellery posts coming up soon and some local hot spots, so keep a look out.