What a gorgeous castle, I cannot believe that I have never visited here before especially as it is under an hour from Folkestone along the coast. I took myself off on Sunday to the psychic fair, I loved the idea of a witches market and was interested to see what it was all about.
At the back of the castle, you have the tea rooms with many tables and chairs set up outside with views of the gardens. I had a pot of tea and a lovely scone with cream and jam, it really was so relaxing there, I could have sat there all day. Also, the prices were so reasonable as they cost me £5.95
I bought a couple of crystals that I did not have, a nice bracelet, and a mug for my tea. Then I had to make a decision about which person I picked to read the tarot cards for me, in the end, I went with the one that had the shortest queue.
Danny Southam had the pleasure of reading the cards for me. I am normally told that I have someone looking over me also that I am a bit spiritual but that did not come up this time. There were some cards that I took to mean about my friend who developed covid and died so that was a bit sad. He said there was a lot of ‘stuff’ going on, and on my shoulders but that eventually, it would get better. There was nothing major that came out though so I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. It lasted about twenty minutes but I felt like he couldn’t get to the real me, which I have had before, apparently, I’m like a closed book at times for the readers, and Danny has only been doing it at fair’s for a couple of years. I tend to get more when I do it myself. I have not been to have my cards read for about ten years so I was probably expecting too much, it would be great to be told you’re going to win the lottery! lol, I am also trying to be a more positive person so the glass is half full now.