Loving all my Pinterest followers and views this month.
March feels like it was over in a blink but we did have some glorious sunshine for a few days, it made everyone feel so good especially as we’re allowed to meet our friends in the park and see family.
Freddie got a hamster called Jerry, he is so cute and appears to love all the kids.
This card game called Dreams was really good, it could also be used in a variety of ways and settings. You can read my review here.
I read a bit but not as much this month for some reason but I have been listening to podcasts, some are really good, why have I not got into this before? My favourite at the moment is The White Witch Company, which is my friend Carly. So many interesting things she talks about, plus reviews books and has guests chat about their books. I will be doing a post all about her soon.
Happy Easter everyone