If friends were flowers I would always pick you.
What a brilliant present idea for a gardener! You could use real or an artificial plant then maybe packets of seeds in their favourite colour. I love those old watering cans, I saw one in my mum’s garden so will see if I can sand it down and paint it then put a pretty plant in it to stand by the door.
Got the pic from Swyzee’s books
Something for the children to do so you can keep a watch on how much they are reading, they could write the name of the book in or just colour the book in the same colour as their reading book.
Then we have some bookmarks to colour, you can screenshot them then edit in photos and print them off.
What a pretty poster pick your birth sign which then tells you the essential oil that works best as your remedy. I am a Gemini so this is very relevant as every year I get chest infections so I had better get some Rosewood, I have not heard of that so will have a look in the garden centre when I next visit.
I love looking through Pinterest and Instagram to find these interesting pieces of information, plus Pinterest is full of ideas about everything, I have so many boards that I tried to condense them all down a bit. I am looking at sheds and greenhouses at the moment trying to work out how I can fit one in my garden.