Not…… we have had rain and thunder, which was the loudest I have ever heard and scared the living daylights out of me, for two days! Corinne said she has never known two days of shit weather in all the time she has been coming here. In UK they are having a mini heatwave this week, jammy buggers but the thing that is keeping a smile on our faces is that next week it is going to be lovely and hot so we can spend it on the beach which is just up the road from our apartment. We met…

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I am trying to get the garden to a more manageable state as I am finding it really hard to keep on top of the weeds. I would also love to fit a small shed somewhere! This artificial turf has turned out okay considering my 9-year-old grandson did most of it. I love Fuscia plants but have never seen these grape-looking things on them before, have you, what are they, seed pods? I am really liking Dalias this year. The large ones are beautiful and seem to last a long time plus I still have some to flower. What are…

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A new month heading into Autumn but I still want summer to carry on, It feels like it was over all too soon and not enough sunshine.  I decided to set some goals for this month with the first one to finish one of the books I am writing. I have two weeks away so should get most of it finished by the time I return. I don’t like thinking about Christmas yet,  I should get a list going and start thinking about what to get for family and friends. We need to decide and book where the ladies that…

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KINDLE PILE These are all the Kindle ones I need to read, I get far more Kindle books than real books so when I do get one it feels so good to hold a book again. I get nearly all books from Netgalley which is a great site for reviewers then I add them to Goodreads which is where I keep a record of what I have read each year. BOOK PILE I am so looking forward to reading The Crow Folk by Mark Stay, when he came to my writing group to talk about his books this series sounded…

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