VERONA We left the hotel arriving in Verona at about 10.30 am the coaches had to park outside the wall of the town so we then walked in following our trusty driver Clive. I have to say this is the most beautiful city I have ever seen, the buildings are amazing, many different colours, designs and shapes. I felt it was a very romantic city, especially by the Romeo and Juliette house where you can go up onto the balcony, I only took photos from down the bottom. Also, you had the statue there where the saying goes if you…

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HOTEL ROYAL, GARDA This was our day of leisure which we all needed as the early mornings and constant travel exhausted us. There are some things I would change if I could and that would be to have a leisure day when you get here so you could re-charge your batteries and then enjoy the next few days out. When we were in Venice we did lose a couple of people who got lost on their way back to the coach and got extremely upset so maybe the drivers should give out a card with their phone numbers on it…

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VENICE       We all left the hotel about 8 am on our way to Venice. We had a very overcast day but with all there was to see I don’t think it bothered anyone. The buildings are so beautiful but it does make you wonder if they are damp inside to live in. St Marks Square was still a bit flooded so they have boardwalks for you to walk across but they are so packed. The gondolas cannot go down all the small waterways as the water is so high because of the tide and flooding, so the…

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JUST GO HOLIDAYS They have been nominated for an award. I think this is well deserved as the coordination and arranging of these many trips is amazing. The driver we had for the trip to lake Garda was amazing as his knowledge of the area was outstanding. It’s always good when the driver knows the best way to get to the small towns. The drivers have a lot of patience with the many ages and cultures they encounter. Our driver was Clive from Wales, what a fun and knowledgeable bloke he was, I would vote for him.

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